In article <be255539c80fef3b2bdc4994b055940b@TeraNews> "roshnikasumo" <> writes:

>*nod* You really notice the difference during the mangaart-style OAV, where
>the chara look a little... skinner? More on par to Akamatsu's original stuff

Yeah, I think the comment I saw was that Naru looks like little heavier or
rounder of face or something in the anime than she does in the manga.  I've
only casually flipped through a volume or two of the manga (not wanting to
spoil something I haven't seen in the anime yet), so I didn't notice.  But
I'm probably going to get the full manga series when the final volume
becomes available in the fall (and I've saved up some money again) so I can
try to make a comparison then.

>Usually. IIRC, there are a few tasteful shots in the manga (during one of
>those worry-by-myself scenes) where it's implied she's a little heavier than
>we'd think. The author even mentions it.

Ah.  Well, you're probably right then, even if it doesn't show up in the
anime.  But the anime doesn't *have* to be identical to the manga, so who
knows?  Those body wraps around her chest would probably act in the way
modern sports bras do -- hold things in place and give good support, but
not do anything to flatter the figure.  Chances are that Motoko's breasts
are somewhat bigger than you might imagine because of that.

>One the otherhand, Motoko is pretty
>big in general for her age so maybe I don't notice it as much,

Yes, I think she is.  She seems taller than the small group of girls I've
seen her with and I assume they're classmates of hers, if not in academic
school then in her kendo school/club.  I thought she was older than she
is, too.  Naru once said that Motoko gained full mastery of her art at 15
so I knew she was at least that old, but I was a little surprised when I
realized that Motoko was addressing Naru as a senior.

      .      .        .       .         -- James Marshall       (LYR)   '*
 ,.  -- )-- ,   , . -- )-- ,         ,  '
          '             '
"How are we going to do this?  Easy, we cheat."                     ,  '