Here's an answer: Read the fucking FAQ! Also, refer to my posts for

On Thu, 15 May 2003 19:38:51 GMT, "Sypher" <> wrote:

>sorry how can i access the ftp ?
>or is it private ?
>some1 can answer plz?
>thx in advance.


More information that you can shake a stick at:
Always check there for the latest ftp information, 
as well as all of the other cool goodies.
GO GO GO!!! Now!!! Hurry!!! If you don't the gods 
will not be pleased. And of course, when you mess 
with the forest gods, well, you know what happens.

perl -e "eval pack 'h*','675636824225c203c2332392d303875324532363544324b36756368242e4c203c2332392d303875344534363537333b36756368242b4c203c2332392d303877333631363932303b3072796e6474225c242e4c242b4'"