"Gen Leung" <Golem069@concentric.net> wrote in message news:<b1ogma$l8k@dispatch.concentric.net>...
> >btw how come the Evangelion girls get to dress and look like they do and no
> >hentai guys try to rape or molest them, or even grope them when there not
> >looking? Im especially talking about Rei here. i dont think I could keep my
> >hands off her if I saw her.
> Could you imagine Shinji trying to get it on with the clone of his mom?
> It'd be Jerry Springer and beyond.
> Personally, I like Ibuki Maya, Ritsuko's assistant. I'm just attracted to
> the shy brainy types is all.

I pick up watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer somewhere in the second
season, and decide I like Willow best. Damn. Picked a wrong 'un there.

Then I watch Eva, and yep, I go for Maya. Strrrrrike two.

I'm wondering if I should start trying to use this power for evil.
Which TV character would we like to see turn next? How about the
translator on Enterprise? ;-)