A little conspiracy music, Maestro... 
< http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/SimplyMagic/TightFit.jpg 
"A little louder, huh? My ears
 are blocked and I can hardly hear you."
These internal office memos from the Smithsonian 
about Ed Conrad's discoveries were obtained through 
the Freedom of Information Act. 
> http://mysite.verizon.net/edconrad/FOSSILx/4.gif 
> http://mysite.verizon.net/edconrad/FOSSILx/5.gif 
And who, you may ask, was Dick Fiske? Why, he was the 
DIRECTOR of the Smithsonian Institution in the early 1980s. 
> =============================================== 
So as not to make a short story long, this is documentation 
of a monumental lie by the Smithsonian Institution -- to a U.S. 
congressman, yet. 
It concerned my first -- and only -- visit to the Smithsonian 
after it invited me down so it could examine the very first specimen 
that I had discovered between anthracite veins. 
This is what the specimen looked like: 
> http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/Smith1/first.jpg 
Of course, the Smithsonian gave me a royal screwing while
I was there. 
( Sordid details at http://www.ed.conrad.com ) 
Anyway, when I made a squawk later on about the screwing 
I got, without Vasoline, U.S. Rep. Gus Yatron wrote the Smithsonian
and asked for an explanation. He got a dandy.
> http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/Smith1/mh121784.gif 
As you can see, an official responded by informing the 
congressman that I had shown up at the Smithsonian 
unannounced -- and, par for its course, snidely snuck 
in some character assassination. 
The truth is, the appointment had been pre-arranged, since 
I couldn't have gotten past the guard at the Natural Museum 
of Natural History without the parking pass the Smithsonian 
had sent me. 
> http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/Smith1/parking.gif 
The Smithsonian lies like a rug in its role of keeping man in 
the dark about our origin and true ancestry. 
This accusation was proven rather accurate a year later by its 
fraudulent, misleading testing of the petrified human skull in the 
boulder. (Sorid details on my web page at 
<>  http://www.edconrad.com 
Ed Conrad 
PS: During that first visit, none of the so-called "experts" said 
a solitary word that a microscopic examination of cell structure 
would determine whether they were examining was bone. 
On my own -- having divorced myself from the Smithsonian 
and its google of pseudoscientists, it was proven scientifically 
that the specimen IS bone, and teeth were found in the area 
resembling a jaw. 
> ========================================= 
>             Okay, SMITHSONIAN, Match THIS!!!!!!!! 
> ========================================= 
Photos show a petrified human femur embedded in slate 
that was excavated during an open-pit mining operation in 
Pennsylvania's anthracite region: 

>  http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/Petrified/z8femur.jpg 
>  http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/D24x/z7femur.jpg 
>>> ========================================
>>>   (Other petrified coal-age bones, teeth and soft organs)   
(during Power Point presentation in Switzerland) 
> http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/Newpix2/MVC-006S.JPG 
Larger Photo of the Finger and Toe 
>>> http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/Smith/z11calv.jpg
>>> http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/Petrified/z5gall.jpg
>>> http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/Petrified/newtibia.jpg
>>> http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/Petrified/skullb.jpg
>>> http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/Petrified/z9lung.jpg
>>> http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/brain/MVC-001S.JPG
>>> http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/Bones/MVC-006S.JPG
>>> http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/Petrified/1tooth.jpg
>>> http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/Newpix3/z3dino.jpg
>>> http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/Petrified/MVC-013F.JPG
>>> http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/Petrified/MVC-012F.JPG
>>> http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/Day/MVC-005S.JPG
>>> http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/Scorpion/MVC-001S.JPG
>>> http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/Scorpion/MVC-010S.JPG
>>> http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/Scorpion/MVC-020S.JPG
>>> http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/SCORPIONS/MVC-039S.JPG
>>> http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/Tool/MVC-001S.JPG
>>> http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/Tool/MVC-003S.JPG
>>> http://www.edconrad.com/ebay/Tool/MVC-005S.JPG
> ==================================
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>> Ed Conrad 
> http://www.edconrad.com 
> Man as Old as Coal (and probably a whole lot older)