Your post was in 2000. How is your father? I just came across your post. We are researchers in the U.S. trying to bring the PSK to clinical trials. I do not have direct access to Krestin, I know people in Kureha Corporation.

If you still receive this email, please let me know.

On Friday, April 28, 2000 12:00:00 AM UTC-7, Arnt Richard R$(D??(Brvik wrote:
> My father is illl with cancer in the lungs. You in Japan (and in Taiwan
> as well) have an excellent medication called "KRESTIN" (Polysaccharide K
> - Kureha Parhaceuticals). He has received radiotherapy with success;
> however the tumor is inoperable; and his chances for one year, two year
> and even five year survival will be 2-3 times larger if KRESTIN is
> given, according to studies performed at the Gunma University, Japan.
> However, I'm in Norway, Europe, and we do not have KRESTIN.
> Are there anyone that can help us? Any advice, contacts etc. will be
> most welcome!
> I will honor any help received.
> With the kindest and deepest regards,
> Arnt Richard Roervik,
> Trondheim,
> Norway,
> Europe.
> email: arr@ahs.hist.no
> fax: (+47) 73559349
> present occupation: College of Sor-Trondelag, Dept.of health and social
> care, Trondheim, Norway.