On 17 Aug 2004 21:26:37 -0700, Brett Robson <jet_boy@deja.com> brought
down from the Mount tablets inscribed:

>>was he president then? What rank does a President wear? 6 stars?

I'm as much in the dark on that as you are.
>>The current US law states very clearly the chain of command and although the
>>pres is notionally Commander-in-Chief he or she does not have command over any
>>part of the US military.

I would enjoy reading that law. Could you share the link with me?
>I've just had a good giggle, I didn't know much about General Washington other
>than he he established the Sepponian political principle that you can go around
>doing nasty stuff as long as you don't lie about it.

And all this time I thought Sepponia legitimately inherited that from
our British heritage. Sun never sets, and all that rot.
>Washington received the King's Commission in 1754 as a colonel. So after his
>colony was defended by the King's army from the French and Indians, this guy who
>couldn't tell a lie was quite happy to recant his oath of allegience, commit
>treason, take on a fictious rank of general, and lead an army against his king,
>just to get out of paying tax (at a much lower rate than in the UK). He also
>married a rich heiress.

There ya go. Another precedent.

A treasonous man with a bogus war record...married a rich heiress.

I'm voting Kerry.
>In 1781 he commands French troops, his former enemy.
>In 1791 the government imposes a tax on whisky, causing a revolution which
>President Washington puts down. So it was OK for him to raise taxes but not his

So you think "government" = "president"?
>And this guy is proudly on US currency?

I don't think he'd approve of that likeness of him. Unfortunately,
there weren't that many portraits made of him.


Michael Cash

"I am sorry, Mr. Cash, but we are unable to accept your rap sheet in lieu of
a high school transcript."

                                Dr. Howard Sprague
                                Dean of Admissions
                                Mount Pilot College