Griff McCarthy wrote:
> "sanjian" <> wrote in
> message news:<vrFNb.2667$dd6.1145@lakeread02>...
>> Let him find another host to annoy us on.  His old one shouldn't be
>> forced
>> to carry it.  I won't support freedom of speach when it tramples over
>> property rights.
>> Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey hey, good bye.
> First they came for the Communists,
>   and I didn't speak up,
>     because I wasn't a Communist.
> Then they came for the Jews,
>   and I didn't speak up,
>     because I wasn't a Jew.
> Then they came for the Catholics,
>   and I didn't speak up,
>     because I was a Protestant.
> Then they came for the Goatse Man,
>   and I didn't speak up,
>     because I thought that gaping anuses were gross.
> Then they came for me,
>   and by that time there was no one
>     left to speak up for me.
> It's the thin end of the wedge. We let them get away with censoring
> Goatse today, then tomorrow the stench of six million burning corpses
> could be in the air.

And if we force his old ISP to take him back, you'll have Stalin and
Chairman Mao's death toll (both of who eclipse Hitler's).  Wake up, this
isn't censorship, it's about the ISP's rights to decide what -their- servers
will display to the world.  If Goatse wants to put his shit up for the world
to see, let him find another place to host it.

And, on top of that, let's not elevate Goatse man above his station.  His
site is neither art, nor political speach.  While I agree that it should be
protected from -government- (bold, italic, double underlined and surrounded
by stars... then highlighted in yellow, just for good measure) censorship,
it's hardly a meritorious human achievement.

Oh, and check your facts.  The Nazi's managed to murder 15 million, 6
million is just the Jewish count.