"Matt Davis" <MDavis@KBRadio.com> wrote in message 
> "Another Day Another OS" <UspammerzSux@stayaway.com> wrote in message 
> news:e3565m$gfq$1@usenet01.srv.cis.pitt.edu...
>> Hee-Seop Choi is nearing the end of his 20 day rehab assignment, during 
>> which he's hit .327/.527/.472 - .999 with 16 BB 13 K in 55 ABs, but he 
>> will have to clear waivers again in order to be assigned anywhere in the 
>> minors.
>> Let's see if the Pirates have learned anything yet.

Okay, pick up LaChoi Chow Mein and drop who? What's your roster move here, 
geniuses? :-)  Who goes?

And keep in mind Casey will be back sooner than later. ...They'll need him 
to do his Superman act as the Pirates rise from the ashes into the 
juggernaut they're destined to be this summer.

(Hey... mark my words! Mark my words! Yeah, baby! ...In butter, on the 
stove! Mark 'em!)

I'm not saying don't do it, but you always have to weigh the consequences of 
any move before you do it, at least a little bit. It's easy to spout off 
answers here, but these are real people with lives and family's and kids, 
all dealing with each on a daily basis to make their living, for them AND 
their families, and it's not that far from where they are to where we are, 
economically speaking. Yes, established pros in all sports will never be 
coming back down to our economic playground again, at least not in this 
lifetime, but the greater percentage of professional athletes do. 
Professional sports are a cut-throat business and I personally don't envy 
anyone in that business today.

But the answer to all this is simply, it's a business and you're just trying 
to do your job. Just like they are. And your job is to put a winning team on 
the field come hell or high water! (At least that's what they told you it 
was when they hired you. But that's another story...). So anyway, you make 
the move with CCC (cool calm confidence) that it's the right thing to do...

You send Jason Bay to the minors.

It has to be.

The guy's not cuttin' like he used to and he needs to work on his game. He's 
really kind of over-rated anyway.

Plus, he's Canadian! Those potheads! I mean, those hoseheads! Anyway...

"Fuck Jason Bay and his new mortgage!  Hee-Seop Choi is comin' aboard!"

So, who goes, Mr. GM?

"Unspamming Spam Since 1932!"