One of the books I'm reading says that what you're describing is the 
best way to do stop motion, because light is faster than a shutter.

fweddybear wrote:
> Anthony....
>     Here is something interesting.... i played a little with my shooting and
> the new settings... first i got it so that my depth of field was good with
> the still shots... (they really weren't all that bad to begin with)... then
> with the motion shots... i had one of the kids wave his arm around... not
> much better actually... but i found when i used a flash.... what a
> difference... i mean it was perfect!!! I then for hahas set the camera back
> to auto mode (turning the button to a/s/m) and shot without the flash....
> and with... without the flash gave me about the same result as in manual
> mode.... and again a perfectly shot pic in auto mode... i guess the flash is
> all i really needed....i never thought a flash would get rid of
> blur.....does that sound funny to you??  (it does to me) plus i get a mmore
> truer color in the pic...i just can't believe the difference!!!
> Fwed