The Infamous “al Qaeda Linked” Terrorists = 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon

If the Bush administration and the establishment media had their way, 
every American would think of the famous rock star of the 60’s, Chubby 
Checker (of “the Twist” fame), any time anyone mentioned Kevin Bacon’s 
name. That’s right, the Bush administration and the US media would 
describe Kevin Bacon as “linked to Chubby Checker” because Chubby 
Checker was in the movie “Purple People Eater” with Dustin Diamond who 
was in the TV show “Saved by the Bell: The New Class”, with Michal 
Worth, who was in the movie “Acapulco H.E.A.T.”, with John Veron, who 
was in the movie “Animal House” with none other than Kevin Bacon. The 
link can not be denied. The link is clear and as Dick Cheney would say. 
“pretty much confirmed!”

Now many of you know that the “Kevin Bacon equation of association”, or 
as I like to call it A=KB-6, (Association = Kevin Bacon 6 times 
removed), comes from the grassroots phenomenon known as Six Degrees of 
Kevin Bacon. It is a trivia game where someone names an actor and the 
players have to find a link to Keven Bacon based on the type of 
association that I used in the prior paragraph. It’s a fun game, and for 
the most part any knowledgeable movie buff can pretty much find a link 
between Kevin Bacon and just about any major actor of our generation.

So goes the logic that brings us the infamous “al Qaeda” linked 