One fine day in alt.atheism, Doc Smartass 
<> wrote:

> "Rita B. Flesh" <> wrote in news:866a21f2-6612-
>> If you don't believe in GOD, you'll go to HELL and you'll
>> burn for all eternity for the SIN of not believing in GOD.
>> GOD exists and you MUST believe in HIM. If you don't
>> believe in HIM, you're a SINNER and you'll burn in HELL.
>> End of discussion!!!
>> Believe or BURN IN HELL!!!
> Loki.

And he's counting posts!

Uncle Vic
aa Atheist #2011
Separator of Church and Reason.
Convicted by Earthquack.
Looking forward to May 21, 2012 or is it 2011? Or is it sometime in 
December?  These idiots can't even agree...