"LawsonE" <nospam@nospam.com> wrote in

> [sorry for repost --trying to get all relevant newsgroups in one
> thread] 
> I'm a beginning student of Japanese who would like to be able to
> follow the Japanese language version of anime by reading the
> transcript (its easier to translate than the spoken word, I've found).
> Are Japanese transcripts available? Hiragana might be easier, but I
> can figure out the kanji eventually if that is all that is available.
> Both versions would be best. 
> Thanks.

Stores like Mandarake in Japan often sell second-hand copies of scripts, 
but unsurprisingly a) they're difficult to get hold of from the West (and 
not often for popular/easy to get hold of shows) and b) they'll be filled 
with kanji, obviously.

I suppose some scripts might be available on Yahoo! Japan's auction 
service, if you manage to find anything worthwhile you can use proxy 
bidding services (although unfortunately I can't think of any off the top 
of my head, having never done so myself).

Andrew H
(fat lot of use I am!)