Any one of you who supports arrest of Mr Modi first look into their own 
evil conscious and tell me what they have done about the Human Rights 
violations in the UK.

Indian Courts at least have the decency to find that Mr Modi did not do 
enough to stop the violation what worse than Nazi Courts of the UK and 
you all are doing about it? Shame on you all.


This superman Imran Khan who is said to be contemplating Pinochet Type 
arrest of Mr Modi is nothing more a than a greedy pompous begot who 
gives s shit to Human Rights because he has found a way to rob public 
funds. Will he look it his evil ways first?


Here is some evidence, which is not even a tip of the iceberg, of the 
so-called Human Rights in worse than Nazi Regime of War Criminal Blair 
and lawyers like you.


Are you not ashamed that:


*          Court do not even issue applications of the ethnic minority 
courts users


*          Judges by their evil ways, telling lies and falsifying 
evidence have turned courts into justice prostitution centres


*          Police, Law Society, Bar Council and even Obstructer/pervert 
of justice Criminal Falconer