"sanjian" <sanjian@widomaker.com> wrote in news:HM7Ca.5370$eF6.304

> Hand-of-Omega wrote:
>> Psaiyan Prince Vegeta <ppvegeta@hotmail.communism> wrote in message
>> news:<7807dvouepe7q2rihuht6e92pu8klv9qel@4ax.com>...
>>> On Tue, 27 May 2003 12:32:04 GMT, Daniel Rudy
>>> <dcrudy@invalid.pacbell.nospam.net.0123456789> wrote:
>>>> Well goat, that just puts a whole new perspective on kink, now
>>>> doesn't it?
>>> I remember him posting someone on alt.fan.dragonball last year about
>>> how he'd like to see Android #18 dress up in a Nazi uniform and
>>> "treat
>>> him like a Jew".
>> You mean, imprison him, starve him, and finally shove him in an oven
>> and gas him to death?
>> I'm strangely comfortable with that...^_~
> I've got to ask, am I the only one who actually liked Gendo?

NO! Gendo's a great anime character. He's got this brooding Captain Ahab 
dynamic going, a wonderful obsessive anti-hero.

If they do go through with this live-action Eva thing, I'd like to see 
Hugo Weaving (Matrix, Elrond in LotR) play him.
