B Anderson <123@abc.net> dixit:
>Michael Cash wrote:
>> On Sat, 30 Dec 2006 15:20:52 +1000, B Anderson <123@abc.net> brought
>> down from the Mount tablets inscribed:
>>>Someone explain WHY you insane people use your full names and real email 
>>>addresses on the internet??
>> Because we have the balls to put our names to our statements, and tend
>> to more greatly respect those who do likewise, while discounting those
>> who hide behind netnyms.

>Yes in a perfect world... but it allows evil-doers to find out your 
>entire life story.

Entire Life Story? Nonsense. I use my real name, which you easily
Google. You'll get about 160,000 hits, most of which unfortunately
refer to me, and from them you can find out a very small part of my life
story - basically the bits I choose to make public.

Jim Breen        http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~jwb/
Clayton School of Information Technology,
Monash University, VIC 3800, Australia 