Ron Hitler Barrassi wrote:
> necoandjeff wrote:
>> Ron Hitler Barrassi wrote:
>>> necoandjeff wrote:
>>>> Ron Hitler Barrassi wrote:
>>>>> Michael Cash wrote:
>>>>>> On Mon, 21 Feb 2005 16:29:58 +0900, Edward Mills
>>>>>> <> brought down from the Mount tablets inscribed:
>>>>>>> On Sun, 20 Feb 2005 21:05:13 -0500, Kevin Gowen wrote:
>>>>>>>> I have no idea where you got that notion. Why would I be afraid
>>>>>>>> of that?
>>>>>>> Yo playa, u gotz 2 b keepin up cuz all yall 2 time felon
>>>>>>> conservative mofos be homos lak schnizzle-dizzle, 4 real, dogg!
>>>>>> I opened up my last CARE package from home and was shocked to
>>>>>> find that my mother had picked up a lot of thug apparel to send
>>>>>> to me. I don't know if I'm supposed to be a Blood or a Crip,
>>>>>> though. Colors are all wrong.
>>>>> My last care package, and I do mean *last* included flavoured
>>>>> dehydrated rice meals. Yes, rice.  And chocolate puffed rice
>>>>> ceral. I told my mother that if she was that stupid then don't
>>>>> ever send anything again, she is just wasting the time of all the
>>>>> people who had to transport it to Nippon. And the time of the
>>>>> garbage men. I suspect she still does not understand how stupid
>>>>> that is.
>>>> Dude, you just called your own mother stupid in public, twice. I'm
>>>> beginning to understand the root of your problem with chicks.
>>> Duuuuude, Firstly you can't count and secondly I don't have a
>>> "problem with chicks".
>> Duuuuuude, count again. You referred to yourself calling her stupid,
>> which you repeated in public, then you referred to her as being
>> stupid in a separate comment to all of us in the last sentence.
> I suspect she still does not understand how stupid **that** is.
> People are not refered to as "that". Ask yourself what "that" is.

What are you a fucking lawyer or something? Generally when someone refers to
another's actions as being stupid, it's pretty much the same thing as
calling that person stupid based on their actions...

>  > And you don't have a
>  > "problem with chicks?" Come on, you've given up too easily
>  > then. Give those
>  > married chicks a try before you go celibate.
>  >
> Married people really give me the shits, your only pleasure is
> vicariously enjoying mine. Go out and buy a sports car or young
> peoples' clothes, however you wish to express your mid-life crisis.

Hmmm, nice theory, but I'm pretty sure I would be teasing you if I were
single too.