open socks4 proxy was used on 28 November for a
Hipcrime attack on nanae. And I got the port number by Googling so it
must have been open and was probably abused before that date.

It was used late North American Monday for a Hipcrime attack on
24hoursupport.helpdesk and the same open proxy was still there Tuesday
at 11:12 GMT.

At one time, RCN (formerly Erols) had the famous Afterburner on its
abuse desk. Now, it seems to have Dave Null.

Remember - go to RCN for your net-abuse needs. You put up a phishing
page? It will still be up on Valentine Day. You can get Giganews with
only IP authentication through RCN.

higher up the ranks one
goes,  the more marked  it becomes. It is precisely in the Inner Party that
war  hysteria and hatred  of the enemy are strongest. In his capacity as an
administrator,  it  is often necessary  for a member  of the Inner Party to
know  that this or that item of war news is untruthful, and he may often be
aware  that  the entire war  is spurious and is  either not happening or is
being  waged for  purposes quite  other than  the declared  ones: but  such
knowledge  is easily neutralized by the technique of doublethink. Meanwhile
no Inner Party member wavers for an instant in his mystical belief that the
war  is  real, and that  it is bound to  end victoriously, with Oceania the
undisputed master of the entire world.
     All  members of  the Inner Party believe in this coming conquest as an
article  of faith.  It is to be achieved either by gradually acquiring more
and  more territory  and so  building up  an overwhelming  preponderance of
power,  or by the discovery of some new and unanswerable weapon. The search
for new weapons continues unceasingly, and is one of the very few remaining
activities  in which the inventive or speculative type of mind can find any
outlet.  In Oceania  at the  p