For consumer protection against normal battery dying things it shouldn't be
possible but....

If there is a dc/dc inverter involved it attempts to chop the dc into ac and
then transform it to another voltage level. This is all done with feedback
to regulate the voltage on the output. Now let's say you put low voltage in
but the power out has to be the same. Now the circuit tries "harder" (draws
more current with less voltage) to put out the same power. This eventually
burns out the inverter circuit with too much current draw.

The same situation applies to synchronous ac motors. They have to maintain
their horsepower so they draw more current when the voltage drops. result?
brownouts = burned out appliances.

"Tom H" <> wrote in message
> Is it possible to fry a circuit designed for 5v by applying 3.5v?  I
> wouldn't think so, but then I'm not an expert.
> "Blaze" <> wrote in message
> news:QyqDd.84$
> > Hi
> >
> > I have a Finepix F410 and I was using a car generic charger set at 3.5 v
> >
> > The camera charged for the first day and was full.. on the second day
> > charger smaoked a bit and when I tried to start the camera it does not
> > work...
> >
> > the settings on the charger were always at 3.5 V..
> >
> > Any Idea to whats happened and how to fix the problem as its my sisiters
> > camera...
> > Thanks
> >