"Henry A. Porter" <henryp@wvi.com> wrote in message news:v1fh3ose5aqu8f@corp.supernews.com...
> MBVA <bobbyc@optushome.com.au> wrote in message
> news:3e16f040$0$7197$afc38c87@news.optusnet.com.au...
> > ok, fudge packing monkey humpers. i'm going to find out where you all live
> > and then i'm going to come over there with a bloody axe and tell your
> > mothers that you've been swearing on the internet and then i'm going to
> give
> > her the axe and let her shove it up you real deep, further than your
> > boyfriends have ever gone before.
> >
> That...is SO wrong. How old ARE you, anyway? For that matter, why am I even
> bothering to reply to such dribble as this. Oh, I know.... I'm channelling
> Disaster, which means I am ALWAYS RIGHT! As such, pal, YOU ARE A LACKWIT TO
> THE INFINITE DEGREE! GROW UP! Otherwise, I'll take your soul and give it to
> the Reis to have. They've been rather lonely lately.

Told ya guys to put him on the lackwits list!


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