HEADLINES and NEWS LINKS Courtesy of TvNewsLies.org
Jesse's Blog: http://www.tvnewslies.org/blog/
December 29, 2006

WAR : http://www.tvnewslies.org/news/#war

·  Many soldiers say troop surge a bad idea
***End of Another Year... - A day in the life of the average Iraqi
    has been reduced to identifying corpses, avoiding car bombs and
    attempting to keep track of which family members have been
    detained, which ones have been exiled and which ones have been
·  British soldier is killed in Iraq
·  Crisis in Housing Adds to Miseries of Iraq Mayhem

POLITICS : http://www.tvnewslies.org/news#politics

·  Rice still struggling for success after two years as top US
    diplomat - Elsewhere, Rice's globe-trotting -- 37 overseas trips
    totalling nearly 500,000 miles (800,000 kilometers) -- has
    yielded little concrete success, with her few diplomatic
    victories clouded by poor or no follow-up.

ECONOMY : http://www.tvnewslies.org/news#economy
    ·  Medicare Premiums Will Surge For Some
·  Exxon CEO Defends Predecessor’s $400 Million Retirement Package

CONGRESS : http://www.tvnewslies.org/news/#congress

·  Reyes: U.S. Intelligence 'Manipulated' - Incoming House
    Intelligence Chairman Silvestre Reyes says he'd rather figure out
    how to stabilize Iraq and bring the troops home than get bogged
    down investigating what went wrong.
·  Biden wants Rice to testify on Iraq policy

DOMESTIC : http://www.tvnewslies.org/news/#domestic

·  Seven New Orleans officers indicted in post-Katrina killings
·  Bureau of Land Management Head Resigns
·  Why Is HUD Bulldozing Public Housing Apts in New Orleans When
    It's Cheaper to Fix Them?

ENVIRONMENT : http://www.tvnewslies.org/news/#environment

·  Ice Mass Snaps Free From Canada's Arctic - A giant ice shelf the
    size of 11,000 football fields has snapped free from Canada's
    Arctic, scientists said.
·  Dire Warnings from China's First Climate Change Report

INTERNATIONAL : http://www.tvnewslies.org/news/#international

·  China to strengthen military
·  Not enough troops for training excercises
·  Israel admits it may have hit ambulance

MILITARY & VETERANS : http://www.tvnewslies.org/news/#military

·  Air Force pursuing antimatter weapons Program was touted
    publicly, then came official gag order -
·  U.S. Air Force Explores Options for 'Prompt Global Strike'

EDITORIAL : http://www.tvnewslies.org/news/#editorial

·  The Power of Propaganda - The Bush regime is responsible for
    many multiples of the deaths for which the Pinochet regime
    was responsible. Yet, Pinochet is the demonized figure.

JOURNALISM & MEDIA : http://www.tvnewslies.org/news/#media

·  Excuse me? Where Am I Mr. Blitzer? - CNN’s “Situation Room” is
    a prime example of just how pathetic a joke TV news has become.
·  Journalists say free press threatened by Army subpoena
·  TV plans tasteful coverage of Saddam execution
·  Lawyer falls to death at hotel

HEALTH & SCIENCE : http://www.tvnewslies.org/news/#health

·  Waiting List for AIDS Drugs Causes Dismay in South Carolina
·  The 'untouchables' of US science - When George Bush banned funding
·  More Dangerous Than Smoking? Death by Soda

HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH : http://www.tvnewslies.org/news/#rights

·  Mandela Institute: Palestinians taken to Israeli prison hospital
    are not given medical treatment - Thousands of Palestinians go
    without the basic necessities of health care in Israeli prisons,
    but it was largely unknown that those with critical enough cases
    to be taken to the hospital were not being treated either.
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