If you understand what life everlasting means, you should understand why 
death itself will die.  To die means not to exist as it existed before.  All 
things on earth die, just as stars die, but that does not mean all things 
are dead.  Death was necessary for a little while, because that is what some 
wanted to have happen so that they could advance their own agenda.  Death 
has to die when the threat is no more.
Why are butterflies so unique to us?  Is it because of the specter of hope 
that their ability to transform embodies?  Our lives have a purpose - we 
have been given a chance to earn eternal life.  What we do on earth is that 
chance.  Some think God is unfair for demanding obedience, for making humans 
choose, but I disagree.  But I question you, how many chances has he given 
us?  One?  Are you sure about that?  The answers are there for us if we look 
for them, and some may already have an inkling, but most probably don't.
But one thing is certain, death will be no more.  We will not use death as 
an excuse to do whatever it is that we want to do, or not to do what we know 
we should do.  It will not be a source of fear, no one will be able to 
corrupt due to the fear of death.  It will no longer be used as a way to 
instill respect.  God will not have to let people know what it is to die in 
order for them to learn how to value life.  It will not be reared in heaven 
either.  No more pretenders will challenge for the throne, no more battles 
will be fought there.  It is for this reason that we choose on earth.  So 
choose, and choose now and again later.  Because there is one more chance to 
lose out.  God wants peace, and we can only praise him when we are at peace, 
but remember, peacetime is idle time too, where people tend to forget. 
There is a reason for the lull between the "death of earthly enemies" and 
the day of judgment.  Even if you make it past the day of the "rapture" 
(which isn't what you think, probably, and isn't what is depicted in those 
movies), you can still lose out, that is why there is a time of peace 
between the day of the "rapture" and the day of judgment.  There is a reason 
that all will be judged on that day too.  Think about it.