"B" <none@nowhere.com> wrote in message news:e1n6lt$6id$1@nnrp.gol.com...
> Marvel wrote:
>> "www.speakoz.com" <james@nospamspeakoz.com> wrote in message 
>> news:443e38e8$0$32096$5a62ac22@per-qv1-newsreader-01.iinet.net.au...
>>> Hi.
>>> Just wondering if anyone here has hiked up Mount Fuji and whether you 
>>> could recommend the best track (I heard there were six main ones to 
>>> choose from). Also, if there are any Japanese hiking groups I could 
>>> join? I'll be in Tokyo near the end of August.
>>> Many thanks in Advance
>>> James
>> I would suggest taking a GPS with like TOMTOM using established routes
> Or you could just follow the million other people all going to exactly the 
> same place.
Or you could look around for a group of little old ladies and follow them, 
why maybe even become their leader.