In article <>, says...
> Vernon North wrote:
> > In article <>,
> > says...
> > > You just don't understand the psychology of liberalism.
> > >
> > OK, what IS "liberalism" and what is its psychology?
> >
> > Verno
> "My basic proposal, then, is that most (but not all) Leftists/liberals
> are motivated by strong ego needs - needs for power, attention,
> praise and fame. And in the USA and other developed countries they
> satisfy this need by advocating large changes in the society around
> them - thus drawing attention to themselves and hopefully causing
> themselves to be seen as wise, innovative, caring etc. Rightists by
> contrast have no need either for change or its opposite and may oppose
> change if they see it as destructive or favour change if they see it as
> constructive."
> "The appeal of Leftism to the average person is simple: The Leftist
> offers something for nothing. And that is always hard to resist -
> fraudulent though it usually is. If the Leftist offers to redistribute
> somebody else's wealth into your pocket, that is one hell of an
> appealling scam to those who stand to benefit from it."
> "The undoubted fact that Left activists and agitators (from the
> Bolsheviks on) tend to come from affluent families does not to me point
> to guilt as their motive at all. Rather the "limousine liberal"
> phenomenon shows me that those who have all that they want materially
> then seek other luxuries: such as self-righteousness, praise, power and
> excitement - particularly the excitement of being demonstrators in
> the case of "rich kid" Leftists. And if the young limousine liberal can
> have praise and self-righteousness along with his/her excitement what a
> good deal it is! It is much the same motivation that causes self-made
> rich men (such as Bill Gates) to become highly philanthropic. Bill
> Gates has power and wealth so he now seeks praise and righteousness."
> ----
> I can easily be that 'rich kid' of course - actually they're often only
> middle class with family incomes <$200k. I just think that the other
> side can be valid too though.
> Think of it as my unique form of charity - i.e. championing for the
> masses at the expense of my self-interest. When I feel like it.  :)
> Don't forget to read those paragraphs on religion too. AGain, wow, he
> spoke my mind.
> In any case, this guy has a nice website. Everyone, check out these
> pics before reading the above essay!

It looks to me that by Ray's definition, there are few of them around.  
Ray himself says:

"MOST ORDINARY PEOPLE do not fit very neatly into any political category 
and may hold to a mix of views that include what would usually be seen 
as both Leftist and Rightist ideas."

It looks to me as though a lot is lost in this debate by reducing 
"leftists" to . . . . surprise . . . . a stereotype.   
