In article <X6wDe.16442$2h1.10837@trnddc05>, 
> I am marry two years with my American husband. We live in a Florida. It is 
> very difficult for me to make a friend and my husband is very busy now with 
> work. I understand, but I feel homesick and want to call to Japan more. I 
> am not a lot of moneys but my husband says to me that I can call if I find 
> a good deal for the phone calls. Also, in Florida are there many Japanese 
> people? I miss Japanese food I can't cook here. I hope to find a friend to 
> enjoy a  friendliness! miyuki

Why is everyone reading Miyuki's message like she is complaining about 
her husband. She seems just lonely because her husband is working a lot. 
She isn't saying her husband is controlling. Many people who leave their 
country of origin get homesick. I lived in China for several years and I 
was homesick everyday for two years - in most cases it goes away with a 
letter or a phone call. Miyuki, just continue to keep contact with your 
family back at home. I suggest emailing, letter writing or even better, 
giving them a phone call. Since you mentioned "if I find a good deal for 
the phone calls" I say shop around and find a good deal, so when hubby 
is away you can fight your homesickness with a nice long call home. I am 
sure if you want suggestions for phone services you will receive plenty 
of responses without having to do a lot of research. I really like ( They offer excellent rates to Japan 
(something like 4 cents a minute). 

Miyuki, just hang in there girl - break out of that shyness and talk to 
someone. You will be surprised what happens.