In article <d2f8ke$e9s$>, 
> "Eric Takabayashi" <> wrote in message 
> > Vernon North wrote:
> >
> >> In article <>,
> >> says...
> >> > Actually calculus was discovered in japan around the same time as
> >> > lebinitz(whatever his name was).
> >> ... if what you say about calculus is true, how about posting a link
> >> to this Japanese discovery of calculus?  I'd like to see it.
> There is a book published by Dover called "Japanese mathematics" which gives 
> details of the mathematics developed in Japan by Japanese mathematicians 
> before the country was opened to Westerners. I don't know if they invented 
> calculus or even the idea of a "function" which is a kind of prerequisite 
> for inventing something like calculus. However, I understand that they did 
> have some ingenious "home grown" methods
> > The stories of how some Japanese guys "would have" been the ones to create
> > the first airplane or television, and how one guy "invented" a bicycle
> > based on ship design are quite interesting.
> Some people in India claimed something similar, about how Indian sages had 
> discovered quantum mechanics and relativity, but decided they weren't worth 
> bothering about because they didn't lead to spiritual enlightenment.
> I'm sure a lot of countries other than Japan have similar types of stories. 
> Even in Britain there is a guy who "would have" invented the aeroplane 
> before the Wright Brothers.
The "racist canuck retard", who didn't know that the Japanese had 
invented calculus at the same time as Leibniz is waiting for you to 
enlighten us.  Link, please.
