In article <bodp54$l8u$>, says...
> Well either you consider it's Japan's problem, in that case, you have to
> admit that's absolutely not the business of Canadian (?) dolphinophiles
> (Should they not worry about the ESB and slaughter of lobsters ?)
If you mean BSE, there are more recorded cases of BSE among Japanese 
cattle (at least 8) than Canadian (only 1).

As for lobsters vs. dophins, it's a tough choice. I like lobster better.   

Seriously, though, the slaughtering of "animals" (including fish and 
crustaceans) seems harder to justify the more "intelligent" the animals 
are.  Do crustaceans and fish feel emotions?  Are they terrified at the 
prospect of being killed?  Do their "families" miss them?  What about 
cows?  Sheep?  Dolphins?  Apes?  I don't think anyone knows the answers 

At this point, I'd have to say that as long as the animals are not 
endangered, are slaughtered humanely, and the meat is safe for human 
consumption, I can't bitch whether it's dogs, dolphins or cows.  
