Hello Group,

also looking for place to donate.....

I am an Artist and Designer and i am interestet in donating the monny i get
from selling this picture "The
last Tsunami 2004" that i made right after the catastrophy, because i dident
have any money then i desidet to make this my contribution.

The painting is made with thourghts of my frind wich lives in Phuket that i
havent heard from since the catastrophy.

if you are interested in bying this please give me a bid, the highest bidder
will get the picture and the money will go to the help organisations in

send me a mailaddress then i send the photo of the picture to you in .jpg 

please look in to see the painting:  hawaii.binaries.pictures
( The last tsunami 2004" painting  )

or dk.binaer
( The last tsunami 2004" painting ) or tsunami picture

best regards
Soren M