"Eric Takabayashi" <etakajp@yahoo.co.jp> wrote in message
> Michael Cash wrote:
> > It appears that my translation of "Father Fucker" will in the future
> > be used at Stanford University. If it weren't for the awful title, my
> > mother would be so proud of me.
> Good for you. When I was in university, we studied an unauthorized
> translation of _The Japan That Can Say No: Why Japan Will Be First Among
> Equals_
> by now governor of Tokyo Shintaro Ishihara, without the section by Sony
> founder Akio Morita deleted, as was later done in the authorized
> translation.
> You should still look into having yours published properly, with you
> properly credited and paid.

That was a great book! It's a good read a couple times a year. The
translated version that had in the states back in the late eighties included
the Morita section. It's nice looking back on that and looking at today.