Indeed this was Satan's masterpiece even to fool you all!

"Ed Conrad" <> wrote in message
> <
> <
>> =====================
>> =====================
> <
> <    Associated Press Writer
> <
>    WASHINGTON -- Perhaps
> it wasn't history's greatest
> betrayal after all, but a simple
> act of obedience.
> <
>   Judas turned Jesus over to
> the high priests, not for money,
> but because Jesus asked
> him to do so, according to
> newly translated ancient
> Coptic documents.
> <
>   The "Gospel of Judas"  tells
> a far different tale from the four
> gospels in the New Testament.
> It portrays Judas as a favored
> disciple who was given special
> knowledge by Jesus -- and
> turned him in at Jesus' request.
> <
>> =======================
>> =======================
> <
>> Below posting by Ed Conrad on July 17, 2005
> <
>> ======
> <
> Jumpin Jesus!
> <
> Apparently, the Gospel doesn't even have Jesus Christ's
> name right (actually it was Jmmanuel) and, even much
> more importantly, he NEVER ONCE claimed to be the Son
> of God.
> <
> Also, the original Bible was NOT written by either Matthew,
> Mark, Luke or John -- but by Judas Iscariot, who did NOT
> betray "Jesus," then commit suicide...
> <
> See, "Jesus" did NOT die on the cross and, in fact, lived to
> a ripe old age past 90, marrying while in his 40s and having
> a family. And Judas Iscariot remained his faithful companion
> for decades after the crucifixion, recording his travels to India
> and his many years of preaching there (writing the Talmud of
> Jmmanuel).
> <
> Truth or Fiction? All you need do is be true to yourself and
> compare what's written in the Gospels with scrolls that Billy
> Meier had been directed to find in a cavern near Jerusalem
> in 1963, and now known as the Talmud of Jmmanuel.
> <
> Meier was directed to the parchments -- encased in tree resin --
> by extraterrestrials who originally had made their presence
> known to him when he was only five years old, some 63 years
> ago, with regular visitations continuing over all these years.
> <
> As Dietmar Rothe, a scholar who studied the ancient scrolls
> writes: "The Talmud of Jmmanuel makes it clear that our
> genetic roots lie in the cosmos, and that there are other human
> populations scattered throughout the galaxy.
> <
> "Extraterrestrial beings have monitored and guided Earth
> humanity's evolution for millions of years. We need to accept
> this 'alien' presence and extract meaning and value from this
> for our own spiritual growth.
> <
> "Only ignorant people with an impoverished consciousness
> will keep asking: 'Is there intelligent life out there?' In truth,
> the entire universe is alive and intelligent because the infinitely
> intelligent Creation spirit maintains everything that exists within
> its consciousness."
> <
> <
>> =================================
> <
> Ed Conrad
> <
> Man as Old as Coal
> and
> Proof of Life After Death
> <
> ==================
> <
> Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
> Alaska Museum of Natural History
> Alaska State Museums, Juneau, Alaska
> Albany Museum, Rhodes University, Grahamston, South Africa
> The Raymond M. Alf Museum of Paleontology, Claremont, Calif
> American Museum of Natural History, New York City, New York
> Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum
> Australian Museum Online
> Australian National Botanical Garden
> Berkeley Natural History Museums consortium, Berkeley, California
> Bernice Bishop Museum, Honolulu, Hawaii
> Bob Campbell Geology Museum, Clemson University
> Buena Vista Museum of Natural History
> Burke Museum, University of Washington, Seattle
> The California Academy of Sciences
> Canadian Museum of Nature
> Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
> Centennial Museum, University of Texas at El Paso
> The Notebaert Nature Museum, Chicago, Illinois
> Chula Vista Nature Center, Chula Vista, California
> Cincinnati Museum Center, Cincinnati, Ohio
> City of Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History
> Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Cleveland, Ohio
> College of Eastern Utah Prehistoric Museum
> Connecticut State Museum of Natural History
> Cumberland Lodge, Museum, and Center for Leadership Studies,
>  Williamsburg, Kentucky
> Dallas Museum of Natural History
> Denver Museum of Nature & Science, Denver, Colorado
> Johnston Geology Museum, Emporia, Kansas
> Essig Museum of Entomology, University of California, Berkeley
> Fernbank Museum of Natural History, Atlanta, Georgia
> Fick Fossil and History Museum, Oakley, Kansas
> The Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago
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> The Florida Museum of Natural History
> Georgia Museum of Natural History
> Harvard Museum of Natural History
> Haus der Natur, Cismar, Germany
> Haus der Natur, Salzburg, Austria
> The High Desert Museum, Bend, Oregon
> Honolulu Community College Dinosaur Exhibit, Honolulu, Hawaii
> Hooper Virtual Paleontological Museum, Canada
> Houston Museum of Natural Science
> Humboldt State University Natural History Museum, Humboldt, California
> Hunterian Museum and Art Gallery, Glasgow, Scotland
> Illinois Natural History Survey
> Illinois State Museum
> Institute of Systematics, Evolution of Animals, Polish Academy of
> Sciences
> Kansas University Natural History Museum, Lawrence, Kansas
> Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History
> Louisiana State University Museum of Natural Science
> Manchester Museum, University of Manchester, England
> Massachusetts Museum of Natural History, University of Massachusetts
> Milwaukee Public Museum, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
> Missouri Botanical Garden
> Monterey Bay Aquarium, Monterey, California
> Montshire Museum of Science, Norwich, Vermont
> Mus