As it runs an Intel processor, you can get the appropriate SM Bus driver 
from Intel.

Also, Toshiba provides all the other drivers. 

Make sure you have the latest bios.

"Colin Wilson" <> wrote 
in message
> I've recently been given the above laptop, but I appear to be missing
> a driver for "SM Bus" (system management bus ?) - unfortunately I
> don't have any of the original install CDs, so can't look on there (it
> was a gift from a friend who'd been given it as part-payment for a
> replacement system he built them)
> Belarc Advisor doesn't tell me what chipset is in the machine, but
> CPUZ suggests it's an ATI chipset "IDCAB3" - but again, i'm having
> trouble locating anything for it.
> Can anyone help ?
> TIA !