"Kay" <nospam@nos.com> wrote in message
> "USA" <USA@aol.com> wrote in news:cREJa.2976$UF.497
> @newssvr19.news.prodigy.com:
> >
> > "Kay" <nospam@nospam.net> wrote in message
> > news:41yJa.1086$D25.102083@news.uswest.net...
> >> In article <bd63sv$p7tqu$1@ID-37799.news.dfncis.de>,
> >> shuji__matsuda@hotmail.com says...
> >> >
> > <snip>
> >> I agree.  I think all Koreans should be
> >> on their knees to thank Japan for
> >> killing their parents, grandparents,
> >> and their relatives.  Had the Japanese
> >> not done that, Korea would've been
> >> hopelessly overpopulated and starved
> >> themselves to death.  They did all that
> >> only to save Koreans from starvation.
> >> What a charitable act that was.
> >>
> >> Shuiji, that was a masterpiece.  And
> >> you wonder why some Koreans hate Japanese
> >> like you.
> >>
> >
> > Kay...calm down...you are so full of hate you sound almost like me
> > yelling at you when you defend North Korea.
> >
> > USA
> I am like you?  Not in thousand years!

Then why do you keep refering to me in all your discuissions with others..
Admit Kay...you have a crush on me right?