ya ahve to tak in account, that when it's released in japan it will be brand 
enw technology. and when it comes out in the US it will be at LEAST a few 
months old, meaning that (as long as they meet demand and don't have another 
ps2 like fiasco) it should be cheaper than the one sold in japan (well 
cheaper than what the yen vs american dolar exchange will come out) the yen 
being stronger than the dollar has nothing to do with it as we are not 
buying it directly from japan. also, when a console comes out they typically 
sell it cheaper than they make it for to get it in peoples houses (espically 
that they will have to contend with the Xbox 360) so I would bet it will be 
299. just my 2 cents
<scream> wrote in message news:-N2dnSjzi8SHJw7fRVn-2w@comcast.com...
> basicly, the same Japanese launch price as PS2 in March 2000, and PS1 in 
> December 1994
> http://www.gamespot.com/news/2005/05/24/news_6126410.html
> no doubt, the U.S. launch price will be $299