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Guard Dog 

In a town filled with crime, a young married
couple were worried after 3 of their neighbours
had been burgled. They decided they should get
a guard dog. 

The wife went to the local pet store and asked
the assistant, "Do you have any guard dogs?"
The sales assistant replied, "Sorry Mam, we're
all sold out. All we have left is a Scottie Dog...but
he does know Karate." 

The wife didn't believe him, so the clerk says
to the dog: "Karate the chair." The wee dog then
goes up to the chair and wack, he brakes it into
tiny pieces. Then he said to the dog: "Karate
that table." The dog went up to the table and
crunch, he breaks it in half. 

So the wife bought the dog and took it home
to her husband who was expecting a big guard
dog. He was of course very disappointed and skeptical
about this little Dog's abilities as a guard

When she informed him that the dog knew Karate,
he laughed and said: "Karate my a$$!".