In article <>, 
>Some sent me this email.  The person may have posted it to newsgroup als
>>While everything you said is true, I take issue
>>with your subject title.  Racism is not a monopoly
>>of Japanese.  Koreans are as bad racists as Japanese.
>>So are Americans for that matter.
>I agree. However, observing overall contents/view of the subject 
>Kaz whatever (who started "Why Koreans So Ethnocentric Self-Conscious
> Racists" thread), it dawns on me that Kaz whatever character
>is engaged in flaming Koreans for the sake of flames.  My response
>was a similar return in kind; I want to see where these apologists
>and grammer police take their fantasies to.

True, true.  Kaz's and USA's highlight of the day is 
insulting Koreans.  But then there are Koreans
in this group who constantly bash Japanese too.