In article <Nhx9a.2423$>,
Schmuck <> writes
>> These are my theories and, as it was bugging me, I just wanted to throw
>> the question open to the whole group and see what other people came up
>> with.
>My guess would be was that she had an incredibly high sync ratio with her
>EVA during the fight and still remained synced with it after losing power
>(thus being able to move the hand like she did).

You know what makes me really go "Eeeeew!" during that whole scene? (And
this *will* sound daft! <g>)

It's not the being ripped to shreds bit, it's not the stabbed through
the head bit, it's not the intestines everywhere bit, but rather, the
bit during the "I'll kill you! I'll kill you!" scene where Unit-02 is
reaching up at the Eva series.

On Unit-02's now exposed hand, you can see that one of it's finger nails
is ripped right back!! Ow! Ow! Ow! I can *feel* that every time I see
that scene! :D

I know that, on a scale of 1-10, that the fingernail thing is hardly the
worst injury you could possibly suffer looks so damn
painful! :D

Although, now I mention it, just imagine the devastation if Eva Unit-01
stubbed it's toe nail on a building! BERSERKER!! ;D

Space Tourist.