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"Julie Barkly, irepsonline 'Netpreneur'"
<customerNOSPAMcare@irepsonline.com> wrote in message
> To all concerned,
> Today, I have received written and verbal reprimands from my autoresponder
company, Aweber.  In my ignorance and innocence, I forwarded a letter
provided by Moneyhome.com.  The intentions were pure-at-heart.  I genuinely
thought I was taping into what would be a viable arena of viewers interested
in what I had to present.
> After having my autoresponder shut down today, it has been my sad
discovery that my signature links (which contained ads about the businesses
I am affiliated with), isn't allowed by the majority of these News Groups.
> I want only to make ammends for my misguided message and want you to know
I am sorry.  I truly hope I have not caused much inconvenience for the
recipients of that email.
> I ask to be forgiven for my actions and genuinely feel terrible about what
> Thank you.
> Sincerely,
> Julie Barkley
> ---
> MAF Anti-Spam ID: 20040527130128C1n4RsV8