Reply by email, filling out this form and emailing it to me.
Trimming off the rest of this post is unnecessary.

I will guarantee anonymity except in cases of blatant abuse.
I will achieve anonymity by tallying the results in
uncorrelated tabulations and then deleting the emails.
(I know this loses interesting correlation data, but if
resondents want anonymity it's hard to avoid.)
I know that this anonymity promise depends on trust and that
you have no particular reason to trust me. Someday, I hope.
I will post results Saturday.

 xxxxxxxx  beginning of survey  xxxxxxxx

 yes( )   ( )no Should RoadRunner be subjected to some kind of UDP?
 yes( )   ( )no ... active UDP (cancels) ?
 yes( )   ( )no ... passive UDP (drop messages) ?
 yes( )   ( )no ... all-groups UDP? (as opposed to specific groups)
 yes( )   ( )no Are you a Usenet sysadmin? How big:_   How long:_
 yes( )   ( )no Should another server be subjected to UDP? Who:_
 yes( )   ( )no Should UDPs be used more often?
 yes( )   ( )no Should UDPs be used less often?
 yes( )   ( )no Would you have answered this survey without anonymity?

 xxxxxxxx  end of survey  xxxxxxxx 

we inspected each other to make sure
that there was nothing suspicious about us, then we picked
a very good supply of food and "treasures" with which to
barter.  The Chinaman went first, and as we slid the door
shut after him, I heard rifle fire.  Three or four hours later
the Russian dropped off, followed by me after a half hour
    I plodded along in the dark, quite sure of my way, for


the Russian, a native of Moscow who had been exiled in  
Siberia, had carefully coached us.  By morning I had     
covered a good twenty miles, and my legs, so badly battered  
in prison camps, were troubling me greatly.                 
    In an eating place I showed my papers as a corporal in      
the Frontier Guards.  These were Andrei's; I had been told     
that I could have all his belongings, and no one had thought  
of adding "except his official papers and Identity Card".     
The waitress looked doubtful, and called a policeman who      
was standing outside.  He came in and there was much d