"SuperOutland" <superoutland@aol.com> wrote in message
> I've become fixated on this gender equality thing.  Don't get me
> wrong; i'm all for women getting equal jobs if they are of equal
> ability blah blah blah and getting treated equally, but there is one
> thing here that troubles me.......
> I have never, ever, met a woman who wasn't a monster of immaturity.

> I mean, fucking SERIOUSLY.  Are you people going to sit here and tell
> me this isn't the fucknig case?  why does no one ever admit this?

> Please explain as i wish for a better understanding of things

I spot an individual with only public computer internet access and whose
external 'for pRon only' hard disk has crashed.

I think Robin Williams said it best: "You know, you're more in need of a
blowjob than any other white man in the history of the human race"

never knowingly gave guns to ducks - perhaps to Iranian geese though