Omaha, Nebraska, late 1980s.

Twenty something year old Trent Stewart was relaxing on a Friday night at
the home of his parents, Marlene and James Stewart of 3063 So 32 St in
Omaha, Nebraska.

Stewart was watching the home of his parents while they were out of town and
was relaxing, alone with a cold Budweiser after wrok in the kitchen of the
home he grew up in.

The telephone rang.

It was Joyce Faltis, now Joyce Faltis-Serenil, of 3067 So 32 St who lived
just South of the Stewart residence.

Joyce stated she needed help. She said she thought she was in danger.

Trent Stewart, a communications technicican at the time, thought it was just
another female drama queen inventing some problem to keep herself amused.

He calmed the woman, and asked her why she thought she was in danger.

Joyce described how she went to her backporch and discovered the back porch
light didn't work.

Stewart reasoned with her that light bulbs burn out.

Joyce then described to Stewart how when she went to her back porch without
the light, she discovered a wire strung between the porch rails at shin
height at the top of her steps.

Stewart couldn't rationalize that away.

He asked her again to repeat what she just told him and after she did so,
asked if the wire was still there.

She said yes because it was just a few minutes ago she discvered the wire
and asked Stewart to meet her on his parent's back porch to investigate.

Stewart agreed and turnd on the back porch light at his parent's home to
light up the area.

Joyce showed Stewart the wire and Stewart was dumb founded. Joyce Falstis
had a history of dating black men and Stewart reasoned to himself one her
black boyfriends must be out to get her.

Then Joyce stated that she thought there was a man laying in her back yard.

Again, Stewart balked at the idea until Joyce Faltis pointed to the bushes
about fifteen feet from her and told Stewart there was a man laying right
there in the darkness.

Just then, a near naked man who apparently was masturbating in the darkness
rose to his feet in the shadows and ran toward the ally where he jumped the
fence and ran up the alley.

Joyce Faltis told Stewart she thought it was one of the adults who lived
with their parents directly across the street at 3068 So 32 St.

Stewart thought he recognized the man, too, but did not tell Faltis this.

The man was now gone and Joyce was advised to call the police if she desired
and she stated she had already done so.

Stewart told her to leave the wire there for evidence and wait for the
police inside with her doors locked. Joyce Faltis exmained her back porch
light and the bulb had been loosened so it would not function.

Just prior to Faltis going inside, Stewart asked her to make certain the
police didn't accuse him of being the predator since they Omaha Police
Division had and still has a track record of accusing and arresting Trent
Stewart often for crimes he did not commit.

Joyce agreed and thanked him and went back inside to the safety of her
locked doors.

Stewart, kept vigil for a few minutes gazing toward the alley where the
assailant fled then decided to quietly walk out to the alley and lay in
ambush for the predator should he return.

After five minutes, Stewart was feeling like a fool for expecting the would
be rapist/killer to return when suddenly the predator did just that.

Dressed onlly in shorts and walking down the alley toward the Faltis back
yard once again, clearly identified in the light, was twenty something year
old Joe Salado, Jr.

Salado did not see Stewart and stopped at the back fence of Joyce Faltis
glaring at the home and preparing another assault attempt.

After watching Salado for several minutes and wondering what he was doing
and why he was back, Stewart appeared in the alley and walked toward his
neighbor, Joe Salado, asking him what he was doing.

Salado went into a drunken tyrade about how "that bitch" brought "niggers"
into our neighborhood and on and on and on.

Stewart asked Salado what business it was of his and Salado turned on
Stewart accusing him of this and that like Salado was the law and Stewart
had just broken it.

Finally, disgusted, Stewart told Salado he would be lucky if he lived
through the next five minutes with the police on the way. He explained to
the arrogant Momma's Boy Italian thug that if the police saw him, they might
shoot him, depending on what the police were convinced was happening and he
better flee the scene and go back home to his Mommy and Daddy's house where
he lived.

Salado wanted to assault Joyce Faltis and wasn't having any of it.

Finally, Stewart convinced Salado to flee.

Stewart went back inside his parent's home and looked out the window to see
three police cruisuers with their spotlights on examining the neighborhood.

But the odd thing was, none of the three police cruisers stopped and they
drove down the street so fast they could have seen Salado or anyone else
standing in the open between the houses and not noticed them.

It turns out that the Salado family is a close associate of the Friend
Family of Omaha Police Division infamy.

Police were not about to arrest a Salado for anything.

No charges were ever filed or arrests made.

Joe Salado began showing himself the next day when he sobered up like
nothing ever happened.

The victim, Joyce Faltis, who lived alone, was never given any satisfaction
for being the victim of the crimes committed by Joe Salado and it is not
known how many additional hate crimes the Salados committed over the years
against Joyce Faltis, a whilte woman who dated black men.

Joyce Faltis eventually married a Latino Deputy Sheriff named Leonardo
Serenil who died of cancer a short while later.

Joyce Faltis-Serenil, James Stewart, and the Salado Klan continue to live in
the same residences to this day.

Joe Salado no longer lives with his parents at age forty.

Trent Stewart fears being arrested and retaliated upon for this and many
other acts of heroism against criminals supported by the Omaha Police
Division, particularly in the Italian mob.

More to come on the heroism of the chief accuser of Republican serial rapist
Harold John Hal Daub.

The above story can be proven.