
Je suis Myriam, transsexuelle. I'm setting up  Myriam's new forum. But that
will depend if we get enough participants. So if you want to have fun with
us  subscribe to our new international forum or just have a look. It's
staring up right now

Great New forum travesties transsexuelles sissies sissy boys transen trans
transvestiten trangendered . Ich bin Myriam transsexuelle j'ai ouvert un
nouveau forum, let's have fun and friendship. Humor y felicidad, sex, spass
und echte liebe. 

Venga muchos y muchas, muchachas, machos y machitas

Ablamos possible deutsch, catalan, espagnol, italiano, switzeria, francese,
inglese, british spoken.

Myriam's Forum for fun friendship sex and discussions pour/for/fur/por
travesties travestis transvestiten transvestites transen transsexuals

Ola, thank you for coming et muchas gracias inscription free gratuite.

Multi lingual (hmmmmmmmmmm) for friendship and FUN FUN FUN

Muchos bisas, grosse kuss, et que le sky ne nous tombe pas sur la tete, dass
uns der himmel nicht auf den kopf f$(D??(Bllt


