"While Microsoft has been leaking information about its upcoming 360 
hardware like a water filled baby sitting in a pool, Nintendo and Sony for 
that matter will be a little trickier to predict. While an industry joke 
that Nintendo once stated at E3, "Nintendo is an open door company" with 
information, that couldn't be further from the truth. Alas, Nintendo is 
cooking up a few things that they're planning on revealing in their booth 
and at their press briefing on May 17th. While we don't know everything, we 
do have some interesting predictions, and rumors about the company's plans 
for E3 2005."

* The Legend of Zelda will be one of the primary focuses for Nintendo at E3, 
and we will learn the official name of the game, and the reason behind 
showing the howling wolf at the end of the GDC trailer.
* There will be three different levels of The Legend of Zelda playable on 
the show floor, as well as a Legend of Zelda theater where they'll show off 
additional footage.
* While Mario 128 will not make an appearance on the GameCube at this year's 
E3 (cough.Revolution), we will see first and second party titles such as 
Pokemon XD, Mario Baseball, Geist, Nintendo Pennant Chase Baseball, Odama, 
Donkey Konga 3, Mario Party 7, and Fire Emblem.
* A surprising number of GBA titles will be getting sequels on the Nintendo 
DS, including a possible appearance for another Mario & Luigi.
* The next Mario DS title will be playable on the show floor.
* Mario Baseball won't be the only Mario sports title revealed at E3.
* The "true" successor to the Game Boy Advance will not make an appearance, 
but that's not to say there won't be any interesting portable announcements 
from Nintendo.
* While GameCube will have an wide assortment of games on the show floor, 
expect to see almost as many, if not more Nintendo DS titles revealed, and 
* The Nintendo DS online strategy will be revealed, the company's online and 
wireless partnerships, as well as a time table on when the service will 
* Nintendo will reveal what titles will be playable online with the Nintendo 
DS including Mario Kart DS and Animal Crossing DS.
* Nintendo will reveal Wi-Fi instant messenger software, and other 
application software for the Nintendo DS
* Nintendo will reveal new colors for the Nintendo DS and the Game Boy 
* The Revolution will not be televised. We may see a technical demo and some 
video, but the system itself will not be shown nor have any games playable 
on the show floor.
* While the hardware won't be shown, there will be sweeping and general 
announcements, the official name revealed, and we will learn about some of 
the specifications of the system, its wireless and online functionality, and 
what will set the Revolution apart from the other next generation systems.
* Nintendo will announce that they will reveal more on the Revolution at a 
Space World show in August, or the Tokyo Game Show in September.
* Mario Kart GP - The new arcade version of Mario Kart that will be in 
Japanese arcades this fall will be playable on the show floor
* There will be less third party exclusive game announcements for the 
GameCube than any other console at E3.