"CL" <flothru@yahoo.com> wrote in message news:e2c4q4$drr$2@nnrp.gol.com...
> Marvel wrote:
>> "Sigi Rindler" <srindler@da2.so-net.ne.jp> wrote in message 
>> news:1145584909_3155@sp6iad.superfeed.net...
>>>>I don't think they have sales like I am accoustomed to in NC
>>>Are you saying that 1 $ items can be had in NC for half the price 
>>>(something lik that)?
>>>I can't imagine that would ever happen here. However, there are certain 
>>>items that cost less than the 100 Yen stuff in normal outlets.
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>> What I am saying is that I can get a lot more bang for my buck in NC
> NC = ?  North Carolina? (ewww), New Caledonia?, North Chelmsford? ... ?
> CL
Charlotte, North Carolina ewwwwww... http://www.charlotte.com/mld/charlotte/ 
or http://www.consultwebs.com/ncphotos/images/char/304/CLT_skyline_8322.jpg
What is the ewwww all about...because of the immigration ordeal maybe bc of 
the beer smell>