On 4/5/05 10:27, in article
"declan_murphy@hotmail.com" <declan_murphy@hotmail.com> wrote:

> I'm still a bit ambivalent about the whole thing though. An Expo based
> on an environment theme built by bulldozing a large portion of one of
> the largest remaining verdant forests close to Nagoya? Browbeating less
> developed countries into "participating" by not so subtle ties of their
> ODA allocations? The airport and the wonderful new highways in Aichi
> are great - I really love the isewangan and the new shortcut for Nagano
> but surely they could have been built without the excuse provided by
> the banpaku.

I know about the new line from Fujigaoka to the Expo site; the new highway
access to the airport and the Meitetsu connection; and the ferry service
from Mie to the airport. What other transportation changes/additions have
been made since I left four years ago?