in article, Eric Takabayashi at wrote on 10/20/04 8:13 PM:

> Ernest Schaal wrote:
>> The best I can figure out, Eric is incapable of distinguishing between
>> "deliberate" acts that result in the killing of civilians and deliberately
>> killing civilians for no justifiable reason.
> What is the justifiable reason for US killing civilians? Perhaps you've read
> of the US bombing of Gifu?
>> Under his reasoning, ALL
>> automobile makers (not only the makers of unsafe vehicle) are murderers
>> because they deliberately make a product that results in the death of more
>> people than all the wars that the US has fought in.
> Incorrect. Car makers are not trying to kill.

But they are trying to make a product that they know will be indirectly
responsible for a multitude of deaths.
> People could debate about those responsible for the Ford Pinto or tobacco
> manufacturers, however.

Notice that I said "ALL automobile makers (not only the makers of unsafe