in article cl53u1$lse$, Scott Reynolds at wrote on 10/20/04 4:26 PM:

> On 10/20/2004 3:57 PM, Ernest Schaal wrote:
>> in article cl51tk$jn1$, Scott Reynolds at
>> wrote on 10/20/04 3:51 PM:
>>> The same as always, pretty much. My son is a 1st year student in high
>>> school now, and I find his stories about his experiences interesting. He
>>> is very keen on history, BTW. Unfortunately for Eric and Ernest,
>>> however, his interest does not extend to the modern period. He seems to
>>> prefer ancient China and ancient Greece.
>> Why unfortunately for me?
> It occurred to me that you might say he was whitewashing Japan's crimes
> in WW2.

The more I thought about your answer that more I realized how stupid it was.
Maybe you were trying to be funny, but to assume that I would accuse your
son of whitewashing Japan's crimes because he isn't interest in modern
history is like assuming that you would accuse me of prejudice against the
Chinese because I live in Japan instead of China. It is what we call a non