in article, m.yoshida at
wrote on 10/20/04 2:13 PM:

> "Ernest Schaal" <> wrote in message
>> in article, m.yoshida at
>> wrote on 10/20/04 1:30 PM:
>>>>> Chinese are said to be as follows:
>>>>> 死不認錯
>>>>> 詭計多端
>>>>> 移花接木
>>>>> 信口開河
>>>>> Masayuki
>>>> Are said by who? You?
>>> By Chinese.
>>> Masayuki
>> What do YOU thing about them? So far, it sounds like you think them too
>> political, too emotional, and too prone to exaggeration.
> Lawyers are said to be as follows:
>>>>> 死不認錯
>>>>> 詭計多端
>>>>> 移花接木
>>>>> 信口開河
> By whom?
> By general people.
> Masayuki

So I take it that you stand by your previous bigoted comments that the
Chinese are too political, too emotional, and too prone to exaggeration?