<nam75> wrote in message news:p-Sdna4FgoL814XeRVn-oQ@comcast.com...

> After admitting that the PlayStation 2's default compiler was "rubbish", 
> Bain also indicated that SN System's new compiler would also be included 
> in the SDK, along with support for (but not free licensing of) Epic Games' 
> Unreal Engine 3. He emphasized that the Unreal Engine 3 demo shown at E3 
> was "real" and proceeded to display some new screenshots using the engine 
> which if they were, as claimed, real-time were certainly on a par with the 
> kind of imagery seen in the infamous E3 Killzone demonstration.

Even if the level of detail of some individual elements of the UT demo was 
on par with the pre-rendered Killzone 2 video, the amount of objects, 
special effects, and amount of code being processed would be nowhere near 
the level of the pre-rendered Killzone vid, if it had been running in 