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Nintendo Revolution for 2006?

Posted May 10, 2005, 1:31 PM ET by Ryan Block
Related entries: Gaming, Home Entertainment

Nintendo revolution!

Ok everyone, huddle up. Here's where we stand right now-we've got a few days 
left be for all the big announcements, but we're gonna lay it down like we 
got it. So, we know for sure that the Xbox 360, which is being unveiled this 
week, is going to be shipping in time for the holidays this year. Check. We 
don't have much dirt on Sony's PS3, but we assume it won't be far behind-we'll 
know more as soon as they let it all out next week at E3, or when we get 
some leaked info (whichever comes first, of course). And what now also know 
is that [the Nintendo [b]Revolution, also slated for introduction at E3, 
will be shipping (as previously estimated) in mid 2006-this according to a 
quarterly conference call by MoSys, a tech supplier to NEC (who is doing the 
Revolution's RAM). (FYI, the statement was made about 9 minutes into the 
call,[/b] if you want to bother listening.) Yeah, it's a mite extrapolated, 
but MoSys is just the kind of company connected enough to know these kinds 
of things, but distant enough to have lips that loose. Yo MoSys, you want to 
drop us a few other details while you're at it?


Revolution Coming Mid-2006
According to the system's memory supplier, anyway.
by Matt Casamassina

May 10, 2005 - Memory maker MoSys Inc. today announced its first quarter 
2005 earnings. In a live conference call with investors and media the 
company's CEO and chief financial officer Mark Voll stated that MoSys would 
once again be supplying an embedded 1T-SRAM solution for Nintendo's 
forthcoming console, codenamed Revolution. He also revealed for the first 
time a general target ship date for the still top-secret next-generation 

"During the quarter we announced that NEC Electronics will now use our 
1T-SRAM embedded memory technologies on their advanced 90nm process, and 
that the initial designs to be incorporated in SoCs will be used in 
Nintendo's next-generation game console, codenamed Revolution," said Voll. 
"We are excited to be a participating member of the Nintendo team once again 
as Nintendo will roll out its successor game console to the GameCube in 

The news is exciting for two reasons: first, it's official word that 
Revolution will again use 1T-SRAM, the same memory standard that GameCube 
utilized with great results. 1T-SRAM provides significant advantages over 
traditional SRAM in density, power consumption and cost, according to maker 
MoSys. "Instead of six transistors utilized in a traditional SRAM storage 
cell, each 1T-SRAM storage cell contains only one transistor and one 
capacitor, thus reducing the silicon required and lowering cost. This 
technology has been proven with the shipment of millions of devices," MoSys 
writes on the subject.

MoSys did not reveal how much memory it would provide for Revolution.

Secondly, today's news suggests that Revolution will ship well after Sony's 
PlayStation 3, which is rumored for a first quarter 2006 debut.

IGN contacted Nintendo of America for further comment and will update the 
story later today if the subsidiary has anything to add.