I have to mention something that I found puzzling about EoE.

It's in the scene where Misato (next to her crashed and shot up car) is
talking on a mobile phone and telling Asuka to destroy the Eva series.

Misato's car has clearly taken heavy damage to get to where they are so
they must have encountered some resistance along the way.

I have to wonder if a scene of them encountering some JSSDF soldiers was
perhaps left on the cutting room floor.

Last time we saw Shinji and Misato they were driving along, running
straight over a dead JSSDF soldier, and explaining that we are the 18th

Now they seem to have smashed into a wall and there's bullet holes in
the side of the car.

That just doesn't flow right to me.
Perhaps the wrecked car is meant to imply to *us* that they encountered
trouble along the way, but it's just never seemed quite right to me.

Maybe it's just me over analysing but it just feels like something is

For instance, how did Misato's car end up smashed into the wall?

Misato is a 'girl-racer'. We know she drives like a bat out of hell but
she **does** know where the brakes are. Also, in a situation as life-or-
death as EoE, you're not going to risk killing yourself and Shinji by
using a head on crash into a wall as a means of stopping.

Or was she just too busy giving orders over her mobile phone to notice a
wall approaching 60, 70, 80 mph?

Any opinions?
Space Tourist.