On Feb 24, 4:43 pm, Lucci Angelo <nos...@microsoft.it> wrote:
> Hello,
> has anyone tried to have a W.I.L.D. at the start of the night, without
> the 5-6 hours of sleep? Some impression? Some advice?
> Thanks!

I have tried this after getting 90 minutes of sleep when going to bed
at my regular time, and again at 3 hours.  I have to say, the results
were far less consistent than attempting a W.I.L.D. after getting
4.5-6 hours of sleep.  It makes sense, since your REM periods become
more intense and last longer, that your changes of success with a WILD
increase with each 90 minute sleep cycle.  Honestly, I'd say it's
better to wait till the 4.5 hour mark at the earliest since you are
going to be breaking up your restful sleep and possibly frustrating
yourself by attempting at such an early part of the sleep cycle.